anamed DRC

Contact us
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur nous contactez-nous, s'il vous plaît:
- Kinshasa:
- Konda Ku Mbuta,BP 11168, Kin-Gombe, RD Congo,
Hospital: 151, av. Lungueni/ Bumbu, phone 810223383 Hopital: 0815093774 fax via Christian Aid +44 8701635647 - Maledi Annecy,, lives in Luvidila, phone chaque matin sur ce Num +243 903338965
- anamed Congo-Bandundu
Bindanda Mpia, BP 11168, Kinshasa-1, RD Congo, téléphone 810122827 et Emmanuel Mufundu, BP 4830 Kinshasa-Gombe, phone +243 813726240, - anamed Congo-Province orientale
- anamed Congo-Equateur
- Mr. Balanza et Abbe Corneille, Ikela, c/o Procure Bokungu Ikela, 8eme rue Nr.1, Kinshaa-Limete,
- Wolfgang Leinen, - anamed Nebobongo: Matthias et Sabine Holmer,
- anamed Congo-Katanga: Rev. kabange numbi
- anamed Congo-South Kivu
Innocent BALAGIZI Karhagomba,Unité de Botanique économique et Pédagogie environnementale - OCEK asbl,Centre de Recherches universitaires du Kivu (CERUKI) ISP-BUKAVU .Tél +243 859442033/ 0972445477, P. 388 Cyangugu-Rwanda
Our Aim
… is aiming at improving the health status in the community and support local people in developing self-confidence, increases their knowledge in using healing plants and also learning different ways to prevent communicable diseases including mode of transmission.
What we are doing
We are creating awareness at community level about the use of medical plants by conducting anamed seminars and treating people who are seek by using natural medicine.

All international anamed semiars are published on the website of anamed international. For national seminars contact us, please.